Hello everyone (... both of you).
This is a small bit of my life. I sent it to a friend of mine originally, but I just use it here as a scucinct description of what's going on in my life now.
Things are looking up for my February- I think I am focusing more on work, but also finding time for seeing people and getting some creative stuff done. It's amazing what I can do when I get out of bed... Although perhaps I haven't been sleeping enough. If I got into an actual manic phase I think it'd be quite bad for me and embarrasing....
As for inspiration... It comes when it comes, I think mainly it's due to the stress and pressure of having to get stuff done and needing a release- I find my tunes relaxing too (maybe it's a bit sad but I listen to them all the time). Also, that's why I'm never very creative when I actually have time to make things- sod's law really...
And now for some beautiful pictures of India, a slightly haphazard selection. I was in India for 17 days over Christmas, it was good fun and fantastical imagery was everywhere. Incredible India is really a perfect slogan for the country. And I really liked taking pictures.
Beautiful temple in Pune, part of the Parvati group on the hill above town |
Lovely lizard in the coolourful temple. Strangely for an Indian lizard, his name was George. |
A statue of a multiheaded god. Krishna I think... |
A temple of the Parvati site in Pune |
A sligthly saucy statue, with J in the reflection |
Lots and lots of Indians wanted their pictures taken with us |
Goats were very common, and cows, and dogs and cats. We didn't see one elephant though. |
Our driver in Pune showing the way to the Parvati temples on top of the hill |
A nice old art deco hotel in Pune |
The central marketplace in Pune |
A statue of a Maharshtran hero |
There were also many dragonflies |
There was loads of traffic everywhere, and it honled constantly |
These lovely looking birds were everywhere |
The beautiful countryside from the train |
The train in Mumbai; new and old buildings |
The train in Mumbai at a lovely station |
This is Brugges from the air |
I've always wanted to see a rainbow from the sky |
Look closely and you can see a famous London landmark |
There's more but you'll have to go on facebook to find them...
Made a new song the other night too... things are looking up
yo its toby, just finished listening the cd, thatnks alot for sending it, love it all! new ones sound really nice too. Would'nt mind doing a remix of the first track, if it was possible to send the parts/ give them to me when i next see you. Hope all is well, Ill send you over a cd in the next couple of weeks when ive got a bit more done. Just recorded a mate of todds band to, which is good, ill send you that too if you like. Adios